Dartford Clay Pigeon Shooting – 25 Clays –

Enjoy a fun and rewarding Clay Pigeon Shooting experience in Dartford, just outside London, with this 25 clay shooting lesson. Clay pigeon shooting is an immensely popular pursuit, and with good reason – it is great fun, but it also requires focus, precision and skill, and smashing those clays is incredibly satisfying! This Dartford clay shooting session begins with a thorough safety briefing and an introduction to the sport, as well as to the guns and clays that you’ll be using during the experience. You’ll head for the range with your experienced and qualified instructor, where he/she will show you the correct stance and how to hold your weapon. After this, it’s time to get shooting! You have 25 clays to practice with, giving you plenty of opportunity to develop your skills, gain some confidence, and really get a hang of timing and technique. Your instructor will be with you throughout your session, to offer tips and guidance, and make sure you don’t get into any bad habits. After the clay shooting, this voucher entitles you to lunch (usually a baguette) and a drink from the clubhouse; perfect after shooting up an appetite out there on the shooting range! If you’re looking for a great experience gift for outdoorsy people, want to take up an exciting new hobby yourself, or just fancy trying your hand at shooting, this Dartford clay pigeon shooting experience is a great choice!…

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Dartford Clay Pigeon Shooting - 25 Clays

– Dartford Clay Pigeon Shooting – 25 Clays – £40 (RRP – £)

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